MoMo June: Fantastic Turnout!
So wow! Did we have a great turnout last night at Mobile Monday! Openwave went the extra mile in getting everything set up for us with tons of food and drink and a great space in general to meet. Our speakers Ron and Brian were great and everyone was fantastically patient with my long rambling overview of all my gadgets. It's *really* too bad my partner in crime Mike wasn't able to make it as he'd have been able to shut me up earlier. :-) Thanks everyone for coming!
We're looking for speakers and a space for July 11th (the first Monday in July is the 4th) and August - I got some ideas and names last night, but if you'd like to volunteer please email me. I think the leading idea now is "Mobile Startups" where small companies in the valley can come and show off their wares. I'm on the lookout for an Elmo projector now - they cost a ton, so if you know of any where I can get them on the cheap, please ping me as well.
As always, I've uploaded the photos to Flickr tagged with "mobilemonday", if you've got some pics as well, definitely throw them up there for everyone to see! Sorry there's no full video, but here's an entertaining clip of Ron Mandel enumerating some of the problems with UAProf.
Hope to see you in July!