
It's the attack of the faces. I'm trying to get Simpleface off the ground and I just got this email from Tony Iams:

Date: 7/22/2002 21:54:48 -0400
From: Tony IamsL
Subject: Slash site to discuss post-PC user interfaces

I saw a good comment that you posted on Slashdot in the recent thread about Rasterman and Linux's future on the desktop ( and thought you might be interested in the Slash site that I set up at to discuss post-PC interfaces. The goal of the site is to promote unconventional thinking about truly next-generation user interfaces that are designed for new types of users and computing devices, and go beyond the WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointing Device) method that most current interfaces are based on.

Some of the topics discussed include visual user interfaces; web sensing and visualization; information appliance interfaces; user interface innovation; next-generation I/O peripherals; search interfaces; alternative web architectures; gesture input; 3D browsers; virtual worlds; game interfaces; wearable computing; data visualization; command-line interfaces; and UI development resources.

Check it out if you're interested.


Pretty neat. Simpleface is about educating OSS developers in better UI design using the best practices used today, but it's always a good idea to think about how we're going to be doing stuff tomorrow.


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