Audio Blog
Hi, I'm playing with a new idea - or actually a retread of an old idea of mine - an Audio Blog! I just quickly recorded a bunch of my thoughts and put them into a MP3 file to post here:

You'll have to turn up the volume and up the treble, it's a very low and bassy recording. I recorded it quick and off the cuff, otherwise (this is from experience) I would have spent the rest of the night trying to get just right. ;-)
I'm going to keep playing with this idea. Voice on MP3 should be able to be compressed quite a bit more than this... And I'll be able to mess with the recording controls a bit more also, to clean up the sound.
NOTE: I was embedding the file on the page using the Quicktime object tag, but quickly realized how much bandwidth that would take up every time someone just browsed the page since the audio files would instantly start loading in the background. I've since decided to use NPR like links to the files.