Nokia Loaner Program

Fred at ShareMe tech posted some cool info for those of us interested in getting our hands on Nokia phones for development:
Forum Nokia developers Get to Use Loaner Nokia devices
Hmm Nokia's developer program has a loaner device program to use Nokia devices for 30 days on cc deposit to test applications. Wow! I did not know that feature.
Very neat. I had to look around for it a bit because it's only on Nokia's American Forum right now (I fixed the link above accordingly). I've emailed them to see if there's a similar program for us "Europeans"... Like I've said before, getting your hands on a phone is pretty important for any type of development: C++, Java or XHTML because the emulators aren't exact. To see how your app really works, you need the hardware. It would be very nice to be able to get a phone for 30 days just by putting a deposit down.
By the way, the deal I've made with myself is that I have to actually develop an application for Symbian/Series 60 using the tools available before I go out and lay down the cash on a new phone. That'll both save me money and give me incentive to actually get my off my ass and do something cool. I'd love to come up with an quick-and-easy client/server for moblogging for example.
P.S. Someone's already snagged Bastards. Bah, that's why I have the more generic "manywhere" anyways. M=mobile. Anywhere=,uhh, mobile. Hmmm. It's a bit redundant now that I think about it.