Strangeberry Rendevouz
Pelle's got some kick ass info on his blog which gives me that serious techy joy buzz... Combine Java, Rendezvous, one of the guys from Marimba and the words "Stealth Startup" and I get all warm and excited:
Apple Rendezvous support for Java
I always liked the way Apple Rendezvous or Zeroconf was written by combining existing internet standards like DNS and DHCP in different ways.
Now we as Java developers can join in the fun as well. Strangeberry a cryptic (dare I say Stealth) startup in Palo Alto have released a LGPL'd library for publishing and listening for Rendezvous services.
This is super cool I think. The library itself is nice and lean. What this means is that anyone with a SOAP, XML-RPC or even just plain vanilla HTML service can publish it easy for use on very local networks.
Man that's AWESOME. Thanks Pelle! I can't wait to play...