Kablog is Kool

I was doing a little searching out there and found a new J2ME app called KABLOG that allows you to post to Moveable Type blogs from your Java enabled phone! Very cool. I just installed it on my phone it seems to work fine - though I don't have a MT blog to try it with.
KABLOG is a tool for mobile phones and PDAs that allows you to post new blog entries to a MovableType blog server. (It may also work with other blog services supporting an XMLRPC interface similar to Movable Type's, but this has not been tested.)
KABLOG currently runs on the J2ME (MIDP 1.0) platform. Devices supporting this include:
- PalmOS devices running PalmOS v3.5 or higher with a network connection. For example, the Handspring Treo, or Palm Vx
- Sprint PCS phones that can download J2ME MIDP games and other applications
- NexTel Motorola iDen phones that can download J2ME MIDP games and applications
- RIM Blackberry devices that can run J2ME MIDP 1.0 applications
- Symbian OS devices that can run J2ME MIDP 1.0 applications
- Qualcomm BREW 2.0 - compatible devices, using JBridge
Here are the download and installation instructions.
KABLOG is shareware: if you try it and like it, please register your KABLOG installation. This helps encourage future improvements (and eliminates that nagging "Please Register" message).
Hell of a job. This is only 1/2 the battle, though, because true moblogging will require multimedia - which you can't get to from within the J2ME sandbox. But still, this is definitely an interesting step in the right direction.
While we're over in that area anyways, here's a link to an article on Nokia's Forum about Wireless Web Services which talks about implementing XML-RPC apps from your J2ME phone. Neato.
Later... The more I look, the more I find: MobileJ for posting to LiveJournal.