Quick Links Before Bed

I have nothing to really add about these links except that they're interesting. So I'm going to do an Erik in this post:
- Opera will never do a Windows CE Port Yeah Baby!
- Business Week Goes Nuts for Wireless Web. Was it just 3GSM, or is mobile tech reaching the masses?
- Aggresive pricing for the P800 in the UK As little as �249 with contract... wow.
- The Reg's 3GSM Wrapup with photos The guy at the top of the page is the CEO of UIQ
- Mobile payments: most solution providers will go to the wall. One for Scott Loftesness... I'm going to blog more about this later. Getting paid by mobile is a Big Thing.
- Intel Mesh "breakthrough" still not as good as Locustworld Go Locust! Mesh is the future.