I am a Media Whore

I was just about to wrap up for the evening - the quick links I added was a sign that I was done - when I got an email from Paul Festa from CNet. He wanted to know if I had time for a quick chat as he was writing an audioblogging/moblogging article and was on deadline.
Did I have time?!? More press! Of COURSE I had time!
It was definitely a quick chat and Paul was just looking to make sure he wasn't completely off base on his article and maybe for a good quote. At first I inundated him with links to my audioblogs, moblog, thoughts on moblogging, etc., but he didn't have time so I summed it up for him. What pressure... I was thinking as I typed a long paragraph - "okay, he's probably going to quote this, so make it good."
If you look at that link to Paul's name above, there's a video of him interviewing the CEO of Opera about their mobile web browser... so I feel that I'm in good company.
I want a t-shirt like Doc's. ;-)