Quick and Fun: Nana and Grampa's Visit...

My parents are in their hotel now after a quick 2 1/2 day visit... it was really nice to see them and it was great that Alex got to get to know them. By today he was as comfortable with them as with any of Ana's family and that makes me very happy. They fly out tomorrow at 7:30 a.m., so I get to go pick them up and drive them out to the airport at 5, ugh! But it's worth it since Mom and Dad made the big trip to come out to see us...
It was a nice visit, we purposely just had a relaxed time. The first day we just hung around at the apartment, and yesterday we went for a quick ride before Ana got home, and then today we all went for a longer trip up to a small town north of the city in the mountains called Rascafria where we ate a massive lunch at a converted monastery and just generally enjoyed being out in the countryside... it was really nice - though we did hit some major traffic on the way home due to the anti-war marches blocking traffic downtown. Click on the pic above to see some shots of the fam in action - everyone was as happy as they look.
And Pascale, I'll save you the trouble this post - yes, Alex is incredibly adorable and getting cuter every day. ;-)