Nintendo GBA SP: Love at First Site

I was in a shopping center today and I went by the games section (on the way to the computer section ;-) ) and low and behold, there it was. The GBA SP. It. Is. BEAUTIFUL. I had to stop myself from whipping out my credit card then and there. It's so small and compact! With a GREAT screen. I want it sooooo badly! I saw the pictures of it before and thought it was okay and somehow relative in size to the original GBA, but it's not. It's just TINY. Pics just don't do it justice to seeing it in person. Man I want one!
Total tecnolust. I barely got out of there without buying it. I'm saving up, however, for another Symbian phone (3650? P800? SX1? Not sure which just yet...) but the SP is definitely on my "buy" list now.