E3: Mobile Gaming

Not that I wouldn't want to go to E3 just to check out the kick-ass new games, devices and various booth babes, but this year is the year that Mobile Gaming is going to hit big time. Mobenta has an analysis of some of the sessions that are going to be held and just their titles make me crazy to attend:
- Mobile Game Hit List: What Makes Them So Good
- Understand the Carrier Mindset: Today's Gatekeepers, and Kingmakers, of the Mobile Game Revolution
- How to Manage the Platform Divide in Mobile Gaming
Cool beans. Plus the floor is supposed to rock with companies like Nokia going all out with their n-Gage (which I've fondled and must say it's pretty nice despite the small screen), Sega Mobile has its own booth and Sprint will be showing off their 120+ games they have available as well.
Very cool. What's going to REALLY rock is next year when there's a ton more Symbian games and the game developers can start going to town on THAT platform rather than doing what they can with Java, Brew and Mophun... (I know. I'm like a broken record. But my 3650 just rocks sooooo hard.)