Google Ads for Googlers Javascript

If you never noticed, I only show Google Ads to those people arriving here from Google (or other search engines) under the theory that those are the people who will most likely click through an advertisement since they're already searching for something anyways. It works pretty well - Adsense tells me that so far in October I've had a 6.8% click through rate. That seems pretty good to me, though I honestly don't know. Even if it's low, I think it's a good compromise to having ads on my blog at all times (which would bug me and my regular readers).

I've implemented this "only Googlers" ad function by checking the referrer on the server side, but if you're using Blogger or some other static site, this won't work. Following my referrers just now, it seems that Juan Julián Merelo has implemented the same sort of thing using JavaScript:

Anuncios sólo para turistas

Después del revuelo levantado por mi inclusión de anuncios en esta Atalaya (la última, que apunta a todas las demás, creo que es de Algernon), y a partir de una pista dada por Timshel sobre el blog de Russell Beattie, he hecho lo mismo que él: la publicidad en Atalaya se verá sólo y exclusivamente si venís desde Google (es decir, si sois turistas. La parroquia no tenéis porqué verla. El efecto se consigue con unas cuantas líneas de JavaScript; no tenéis más que mirar los fuentes de la página para verlo. Creo que el mencionado Russell Beattie lo implementa en el servidor. Espero que esto contente a la mayor parte de la parroquia...

That's a neat idea. Check out his blog and view source to grab the script or it should be relatively simple to work out on your own if you know JavaScript.


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