Dear Jeeves:


I heard you're buying Bloglines, that's pretty neat. But please remember how important this service is to a lot of people out there. I spend more time on Bloglines than I have on any other web site *ever*.

I use it day and night, at home and at the office, on my Mac and on my PC, on my desktop and on my mobile phone. I refresh like a crack monkey looking for the next hit. I use it for my news, I use it to look for houses, I've used it to look for jobs, I use it to hear PodCasts, I use it for my favorites page, and I use it to keep track of what people are saying about my weblog (which it does quickly and efficiently). I use it constantly and incessantly and if it went away or was changed drastically, I would be very unhappy.

In other words, please don't fuck it up.

Thank you,


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