I joined Nokia today!
I tweeted about it a week or so ago, but I wanted to wait until it was official to make any announcements on my blog. Today was my first day at Nokia! A real job again! Can you believe it?
Some details: I joined the CTO group as Strategic Technology Marketing Manager and will be based out of the Palo Alto offices. The CTO organization is mostly focused on R&D and long term vision - so what I'll be doing is helping gather up and articulating the research and vision, creating docs and presentations and other content for the CTO and others within Nokia.
Considering that my predictions of mobile trends usually seem to be at least five years ahead of the curve, you could say that working in a group dedicated to the future of mobility is an ideal job for me... and it is. :-)
I have to tell you, it was absolutely surreal sitting in the HR "induction" meeting this morning, and hearing about the scope of the company, and the list of all the benefits we get, etc. From famine to feast... I'm going to have a salary! I have health insurance again! Awesome! After two years of being out on my own, it's quite nice to have all that again, believe me.
Okay, let me get this out of the way while I'm here: I haven't seen the Nokia blog policy yet, but let me state right now the usual caveats about this blog, which I may expand upon later. Nothing I say here will ever necessarily reflect the views or opinions of my new employer. I am not a spokesperson for Nokia in any way. This is my personal blog, and my opinions here are wholly my own. Additionally, I will obviously not be speculating about Nokia products or services from now on, and will keep anything I do blog about concerning Nokia to the factual (like for example, cool things you can install on your E71). Good? Ok.
Wish me luck!