The Underdog

I heard this song called The Underdog by Spoon on the radio this morning, and as it was the second time I had heard it and thought, "wow, that's a great song," I went hunting it down. Surprisingly it was on rather than YouTube... which is the first time I've actually used the site - looks like YouTube, but the quality is nicer. No embed code though, so I just viewed source and pasted it in above, we'll have to see if it plays.

Great song... it just sticks in your head for days. :-)


Update: Sorry about the autoplay! - I didn't realize it was doing that in aggregators (like Google Reader). Took me a minute to figure out how to turn it off (had to view generated source). For future reference, it's the "a" variable. Set it to 0 and it won't autoplay. :-)

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